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Shirt Hat Combinations >> Creative Combos
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Product Code: PR01

Pro Style Constructed Cotton Twill Cap w/ fused buckram & adjustable snap closure

As Low As $7.45 d 96 & up

Solids: Black, Cardinal, Navy, Royal, Red, White, Silver, Dk Green, Brown, Khaki, Natural
Black Crown: w/Cardinal, Kelly, Orange, Dk Green, Purple, Red, Silver, Teal, Yellow
White Crown: w/Black, Navy, Purple, Red, Royal, Teal, Kelly, Dk Green, Orange, Cardinal
Natural Crown: w/Black, Kelly, Navy, Royal, Red, Purple, Dk Green, Cardinal
Other Two Tones: Red/Black, Navy/Silver, Teal/Purple

Combo pricing listed by each cap includes 1-color Suede Puff imprint on caps & 1-color silkscreened imprint on one side of Hanes 5280 white tees in quantities of 96 & up.

For Combos less than 96, add $1.25(g) each. Absolute minimum is 48.

Organic & Recycled
also available
Call for a quote!

Hanes 5280 white tee will be used unless otherwise specified. You may select an alternative white tee in level #1 at no additional charge. Level #1 tees include Hanes 5170, FOL 5930, and Gildan 8000 50/50 tees; and Hanes 5280, FOL 3930, and Gildan 5000 100% cotton tees.

Add $.39(d) to upgrade to white tees in level #2 which include Hanes 5250 Tagless Comfort-T, FOL 20230 Lofteez, and Gildan 2000 Ultra Cotton 100% cotton 6.1 oz. tee.

Add $1.30(d) to upgrade to the Hanes 100% cotton white Beefy-T (level #3)

For additional imprint colors or placement and set-up charges refer to "Sides". See "Substitutions" to change shirt color or embroidered caps.



Ea. Add‘l Color per garment:
Setup Charges /garment style/color:
Second Side Imprint on Shirts:
XXL & up*:
*XXL & up for 5180 White:

add $.32d $37.50g
add $.69d
add $2.60e add$3.00e

For Lt Heather shirts (#1 & 2):
For Lt Heather shirts (#3):
For other Color Tees (#1 & 2):
For other Color Tees (#3):

add $89d
add $2.00d
add $1.45d
add $2.50d

For embroidery on caps up to 5,000 stitches add $1.66 (c)
Add $.25 (g) per cap for ea. add‘l 1,000 stitches.
Tape Charge: $75 (g) for designs up to 5,000 stitches.
Add $15 (g) tape charge per ea. add‘l 1,000 stitches.